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NeurOptimal® neurofeedback offers information to the brain about what it has just done, which the brain can then use to organize itself.

But how does it do that?

During a NeurOptimal® neurofeedback session you will wear ear clips and two small sensors on the sides of your head. These pick up the delicate electrical activity of your brain.

You relax and close your eyes and listen to music a movie. NeurOptimal® neurofeedback  processes your brain signals very rapidly and when it detects them moving into an “instability”, the music pauses very briefly.

That’s it. That’s all that happens.

This is the “feedback”.

Consciously of course, this has no meaning for us — in fact we may not even notice them. But unconsciously our brain understands the mathematics behind the timing of the pauses, which act a bit like a “rumble strip”. The brain adjusts its activity without any effort from you (you can be completely zoned out if you want), to stay “within” the rumble strip. The brain does this on its own — NeurOptimal® neurofeedback doesn’t tell it to.

Imagine you are walking along a path on a cliff side, in the dark. You’d probably be floundering. But then a flashlight is shone showing the cliff edge. The flashlight doesn’t tell you what to do, but now you can use the extra information you have (the location of the cliff edge) to walk more certainly along your path.

The brain learns from the information it is given until over time and without your conscious awareness or effort, it learns to organize itself more efficiently. And this manifests in your life by blocks dropping away and life just seems easier.

NeurOptimal® neurofeedback is simple. But its simplicity belies its power.

It’s powerful because it communicates directly with your brain, and there is nothing to interfere with that. There is no outside person having to evaluate or diagnose you, and no outside person deciding what training you need. It’s your brain effectively communicating with itself and making its own changes. Period.

Think about that! Your brain really does know best.

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